Veronica Pitea, Aceper: “Sustainability must be environmental, economic, and social”

18 January 2023


According to the president of the Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers (ACEPER), to contribute to a new development model, we must start by becoming aware that every action we take has an impact on the environment.

Innovation and sustainability. Two concepts deeply intertwined with each other. Two concepts that presuppose a mental shift in businesses looking towards the future. This was discussed by Veronica Pitea, President of Aceper (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers), at an event organized by The IES Group at Ducati’s headquarters in Bologna.

Aceper was founded in 2014 with the aim of “contributing to the development of clean energy sources, supporting and assisting entrepreneurs who have decided to invest in renewables.”

“I have always been very sensitive to issues related to environmental sustainability and have always tried to personally engage in spreading awareness about the new opportunities offered by energy efficiency and renewable energy production,” Pitea explained. “In my interactions with entrepreneurs, who in the vast majority of cases lack technical expertise in energy matters, I realize how urgent it is to simplify regulatory and technical aspects. Aceper was born from this awareness in December 2014. A few years ago, the renewable energy sector seemed finished, but today those who were forward-thinking and invested in solar panels are less burdened by energy costs due to lower production costs.”

According to Veronica Pitea, the biggest challenge for the future is related to personnel training, which must have adequate knowledge and skills to manage all issues related to renewable energy sources.

“We can invest millions of euros in the green transition, but if we do not invest in people who will manage the change, instead of having a transition, we risk facing regression. Our association has around 10,000 member companies. Together with our partners, we are developing specific programs to have personnel ready to learn and adapt according to market needs. For example, we are working to establish the professional role of energy managers.”

The President of Aceper also reiterated that sustainability must be environmental, economic, and social.

“Sustainable development is linked to a new idea of well-being that revolves around three components: environmental sustainability, meaning responsible use of resources; economic sustainability, which is the ability to generate income and employment; and social sustainability, which is the positive impact on the community. Responsible choices in resource use primarily depend on the ability to generate economic and social sustainability. If we are to think about a development model to which everyone must contribute, we must start by realizing that every action we take has an impact on the environment.”

See here the article from Innovation Hero dated 23/11/2022

“Source Innovation Hero

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