Mar 7, 2023 | Press review
High utility bills: Solar power savings of 24 billion The President of the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy: «Solar power would have an immediate effect on high utility bills, reducing costs by 40% to 70%. With an average cost reduction...
Feb 27, 2023 | Press review
Exprensive Bills: Pitea (Aceper), “With Photovoltaics, a Saving of 24 Billion” The President of the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energies: “Unfortunately, bureaucracy and the instability of Italian governments are slowing...
Feb 20, 2023 | Press review
High Utility Bills: How Much Can You Save with Solar Panels and How Milan, January 16, 2023 – The rise in energy bills has eased somewhat, but it hasn’t disappeared entirely. The risk of a sudden spike in energy prices is still looming. If the contribution...
Feb 13, 2023 | Press review
Dear Bills, Pitea (Aceper): “With Photovoltaics, Savings of 24 Billion” The President of the Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers: “Unfortunately, bureaucracy and instability of the Italian governments are slowing down the development...
Feb 3, 2023 | Press review
High Energy Bills Pitea (Aceper): With Photovoltaics, Savings of 24 Billion The President of the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy: “Unfortunately, bureaucracy and instability in the Italian government slow down the development...