Construction of ground-based power plants: history, present, and future “In some ways, 1979 seems like a distant year. Although in popular imagination the concept of solar energy immediately leaps forward into the future, 1979 was the year when the first...
Italy ranks fifth to last in Europe for energy independence but second for availability The study by The European House-Ambrosetti in collaboration with A2A The position paper “Towards Italian Energy Independence: Water, Wind, Sun, Waste as Our Raw Materials,”...
Interview with Veronica Pitea on TG4 – Rete 4 ACEPER on TG4 (Rete 4 – Mediaset) – Interview with Veronica Pitea, president of A.C.E.P.E.R While waiting to find a solution for the Price Cap, it is always the renewable energy sector, particularly...
To truly focus on renewables, it’s essential not to penalize small producers A fundamental piece of the energy transition: to truly emphasize renewables, it’s essential not to penalize small producers. The European Union, with the Regulation against...