Jan 27, 2023 | Press review
Rising Energy Bills: How Much Can You Save with Solar Panels? How much can you save with solar panels? The topic of renewable energy is global in nature, which is why each of us can make a significant contribution to the energy transition from fossil fuels to...
Jan 17, 2023 | Press review
Dear Bills, Pitea (Aceper): “With Photovoltaics, Savings of 24 Billion” The President of the Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers: “Unfortunately, bureaucracy and instability of Italian governments slow down the progress...
Jan 9, 2023 | Press review
Anti-crisis photovoltaics: the importance of maintenance and the opportunities of revamping Europe is facing an unprecedented energy crisis, which has led to a worrying increase in prices. Many companies will face serious difficulties in the coming months. In...
Dec 28, 2022 | Press review
Construction of ground-based power plants: history, present, and future “In some ways, 1979 seems like a distant year. Although in popular imagination the concept of solar energy immediately leaps forward into the future, 1979 was the year when the first...
Nov 24, 2022 | Interviews
Interview with Veronica Pitea on TG4 – Rete 4 ACEPER on TG4 (Rete 4 – Mediaset) – Interview with Veronica Pitea, president of A.C.E.P.E.R While waiting to find a solution for the Price Cap, it is always the renewable energy sector, particularly...