Mar 6, 2023 | Press review
Innovative Green World: Innovation and Environmental Respect Partnership with ACEPER for 360-Degree Consulting The biogas decree approved at the end of October 2022 will give a new boost to the production of green gas, promoting the development of new...
Feb 28, 2023 | Press review
The achievement of energy independence does not exclude the protection of the territory ACEPER takes a stand on ground-mounted plants and agrivoltaics: “An opportunity towards green energy to be seized, and also a good investment” The need for green...
Feb 23, 2023 | Press review
Finally, incentives are available for photovoltaic systems and more Maybe this time it’s for real. After many discussions aimed at encouraging companies to invest in the renewable energy sector, especially in the face of increasingly unsustainable energy costs,...
Feb 17, 2023 | Press review
Made in Italy: €120 billion in lost revenue for Italian entrepreneurs The Made in Italy sector is growing, but too many companies are lagging in e-commerce: however, solutions are available. The transition to digital and new business models can no longer wait An...
Feb 6, 2023 | Press review
Biomethane Decree 2022: 1.7 billion euros All the incentives allocated by the PNRR With the ongoing energy crisis, the signing of the new Biomethane Decree on October 26, 2022, was highly anticipated. It involves 1.7 billion euros allocated to the production of...