Mar 23, 2023 | Press review
Photovoltaic: Pitea (Aceper), “Very good Simplifications Decree, it speeds up plant procedures” The President of the Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers: “I’m going against the current and siding with the...
Mar 22, 2023 | Press review
Renewables: Pitea (Aceper), Magliano Alpi in Piedmont is an Italian excellence An excellent model of Italian administration from the perspective of renewables? Veronica Pitea, President of ACEPER (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers), which...
Mar 22, 2023 | Press review
Photovoltaics: Pitea (Aceper), ‘Very good DL Simplifications, speeds up plant processes’ The President of the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energies: “I’m going against the tide and supporting the government”...
Mar 21, 2023 | Press review
Photovoltaics: Piedmont ranks 1st in production Piedmont ranks first among the Italian regions for solar energy production The data comes from a research by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energies), which analyzed a sample of over...
Mar 21, 2023 | Interviews, Press review
Interview with Veronica Pitea on TG4 – Rete 4 Aceper on TG4 (Rete 4 – Mediaset) – Interview with Veronica Pitea, President of A.C.E.P.E.R While waiting for a solution to the Price Cap issue, the renewable energy sector, especially photovoltaic, is always the one...