Renewables: Pitea (Aceper), Magliano Alpi in Piedmont is an Italian Excellence

27 March 2023


Veronica Pitea, President of ACEPER (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energies), which brings together 10,000 renewable energy production facilities and over 7,000 members with a total installed capacity exceeding 2 GWp, has no doubts: “A positive example is certainly the Municipality of Magliano Alpi (Piedmont), the first Energy Community in Italy inaugurated following the Milleproroghe Decree of 2020. It is a small reality but a true excellence in renewable energy in Italy: this shows that anyone can achieve certain results, and it has nothing to do with the North-South divide or the size of cities. It all depends on how Communities are managed – often poorly in Italy due to lack of information and maintenance,” Pitea continues.

See here the article from Virgilio dated 20/03/2023

“Source Virgilio

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