Renewable energy communities

29 March 2023


An essential tool to overcome the limitations of installing a single system

A crucial point for Italy in 2023 is undoubtedly the continuation of an energy transformation process. The increase in consumption due to the higher cost of natural gas can only make society more aware of the need for change, which will not only result in savings but also in improved energy performance and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. It is, in effect, a mission that will involve the entire country, and in which we will inevitably play a leading role over the coming decades.

The energy industry is the most polluting in the world. If so far environmental protection has not impacted everyone’s awareness, the increase in costs has undoubtedly alarmed individuals, deeply affecting their daily lives. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, it is undeniable that many more people are now interested in learning about the benefits of renewable energy and transitioning to it, actively participating in the transformation process that can make Italy a healthier and more livable country.

In this context, the photovoltaic panel plays a leading role: it is the quintessential tool for the production of renewable energy for citizens and businesses. Comparable to a vaccine, it makes one immune to the fluctuating market trends; for example, a company installing it guarantees a predetermined and fixed price, which is a great advantage.

The savings are based on reduced transportation costs and the margin of the supplier who buys and resells the energy, in addition to revenues from feeding excess produced and unused energy into the grid.

Linked to the photovoltaic panel, the Renewable Energy Communities (REC) project was born in February 2020. These are associations that can include individuals living in shared buildings or autonomous homes, small and medium-sized businesses connected to low-voltage electricity grids, local entities operating in offices, clinics, and commercial activities, and local authorities such as public administration offices, schools, hospitals, etc.

Conceived around the concept of self-consumption, RECs overcome the limitations of installing a single system, whose produced energy is only accessible to the connected building structure. Driven by the European Community, they encourage the choice of renewable energy at the local level, allowing even those without their own photovoltaic system to opt for green energy. They can include simple energy consumers, producers who do not consume, and prosumers, a combination of producers and consumers, who have installed a photovoltaic system, produce energy, and consume it at the same time.

Joining the cooperative means adhering to a project aimed at a sustainable ecosystem, capable of generating benefits for oneself and the local area, improving the quality of life. Decisions regarding the Community are made by its members, and an additional economic advantage is based on the possibility of selling excess energy to the market to reduce members’ expenses. Alternatively, the energy can be stored in appropriate storage systems, ready for use when the system is not in production or to cover energy shortages.

The regulations regarding Renewable Energy Communities have just been redefined: European Legislation, converted into Italian national law, has recently removed limits on the productive capacity of individual RECs. Taking advantage of this refinement and riding the wave of increasing population conversion to sustainable energy, Ossola Impianti chooses to guide businesses and individuals toward joining an Energy Community.

A historic Piedmontese company active throughout the peninsula, it has decided to embrace this confident and visionary project and make the establishment of RECs a new priority for the near future, providing integrated services for all types of customers. It positions itself as a reference partner capable of handling the installation of systems, the establishment of the Energy Community and its recognition on the GSE platform, as well as its administrative management. It will ensure constant monitoring of the systems to guarantee their proper functioning and the exploitation of their full potential by each member.

Edited by Emanuela ToparelliOssola

Taken from Green Company Magazine (Volume 9) – see all magazine issues

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