Recovery of tax credit up to 40% of the cost of energy raw materials

7 November 2022


It appears you’re mentioning that even small businesses that are not energy-intensive can benefit from a tax credit on electricity and gas bills.

Subjects not energy-intensive/gas-intensive: period II and III quarter 2022

The main characteristics regarding tax credits, in light of Decree Law No. 50 of May 17, 2022, Decree Law No. 115 of August 9, 2022, and the circulars of the Revenue Agency 13/E of May 13, 2022, 20/E of June 16, 2022, and 25/E of July 11, 2022 for operations submitted by December 31, 2022 are as follows:

Purpose and beneficiaries: Provision of a contribution in the form of a tax credit equal to a portion of the cost of the raw material “electricity” and “gas” valued on the invoice by the supplier for the II and III Quarters of 2022. Benefit for all businesses holding a gas supply contract of any type and electricity with contracted power >16.5 kW, different from those listed in the so-called “energy-intensive” and “gas-intensive” companies list.

Electricity benefit: Businesses holding an electricity supply contract with power >16.5 kW, different from “energy-intensive” subjects under the Ministry of Economic Development decree of December 21, 2017, are entitled to a tax credit equal to 15% of the cost of the raw material purchased in the II and III Quarters of 2022 in case of an increase greater than 30% in the cost per kWh between the I Quarter of 2019 and I Quarter of 2022 and between the II Quarter of 2019 and II Quarter of 2022.

NON-ENERGY-INTENSIVE BUSINESSES POWER >16.5 KW Regulation art. 3 DL n.21 of March 21, 2022 and art. 6 DL n.115 of August 9, 2022 – Circular no. 13/E of May 13, 2022


  • Electricity supply contract with power > 16.5 kW
  • Cost of energy I QTR and II QTR 2022 > 30% compared to I QTR and II QTR 2019 verified on electricity purchase bills

VALUE OF THE CREDIT 15% of the energy cost incurred in II QTR and III QTR 2022

Gas benefit: Businesses holding a gas supply contract, different from “gas-intensive” subjects under the Ministry of Ecological Transition decree of December 21, 2021 No. 541, for uses other than thermoelectric, are entitled to a tax credit equal to 25% of the cost of the raw material purchased in the II and III Quarters of 2022 in case of an increase greater than 30% in the natural gas reference price, calculated as the average of the Intraday Market reference prices (MI-GAS) published by the Energy Markets Operator (GME).

NON-GAS-INTENSIVE AND NON-THERMOELECTRIC BUSINESSES Regulation art. 4 D.l. n.21 of March 21, 2022 and art. 6 DL n.115 of August 9, 2022 – Circular no. 20/E of June 16, 2022


  • Cost of gas I QTR and II QTR 2022 > 30% compared to I QTR and II QTR 2019 verified on the Intraday Market (MI-GAS) portal

VALUE OF THE CREDIT 25% of the gas cost incurred in II QTR and III QTR 2022

Subjects not energy-intensive/gas-intensive, for the period October and November 2022 The main characteristics regarding the tax credits in question, in light of Decree Law No. 144 of September 23, 2022, and the circulars of the Revenue Agency 13/E of May 13, 2022, 20/E of June 16, 2022, and 25/E of July 11, 2022 are as follows:

Purpose and beneficiaries: Provision of a contribution in the form of a tax credit equal to a portion of the cost of the raw material “electricity” and “gas” valued on the invoice by the supplier for the months of OCTOBER and NOVEMBER 2022. Benefit for all businesses holding a gas supply contract of any type and electricity with contracted power >4.5 kW, different from those listed in the list of “energy-intensive” and “gas-intensive” companies.

Electricity benefit: Businesses holding an electricity supply contract with power >4.5 kW, different from “energy-intensive” subjects under the Ministry of Economic Development decree of December 21, 2017, are entitled to a tax credit equal to 30% of the cost of the raw material purchased in the months of OCTOBER and NOVEMBER 2022 in case of an increase greater than 30% in the cost per kWh between the III Quarter of 2019 and III Quarter of 2022.

NON-ENERGY-INTENSIVE BUSINESSES POWER >4.5 KW Regulation art. 1 c.3 DL n.144 of September 23, 2022 – Circular no. 13/E of May 13, 2022


  • Electricity supply contract with power >4.5 kW
  • Cost of energy III QTR 2022 > 30% compared to III QTR 2019 verified on electricity purchase bills

VALUE OF THE CREDIT 30% of the energy cost incurred in the months of OCTOBER and NOVEMBER 2022

Gas benefit: Businesses holding a gas supply contract, different from “gas-intensive” subjects under the Ministry of Ecological Transition decree of December 21, 2021 No. 541, for uses other than thermoelectric, are entitled to a tax credit equal to 40% of the cost of the raw material purchased in the months of OCTOBER and NOVEMBER 2022 in case of an increase greater than 30% in the natural gas reference price, calculated as the average of the Intraday Market reference prices (MI-GAS) published by the Energy Markets Operator (GME) between the III Quarter of 2019 and III Quarter of 2022.

NON-GAS-INTENSIVE AND NON-THERMOELECTRIC BUSINESSES Regulation art. 1 c.4 DL n.144 of September 23, 2022 – Circular no. 20/E of June 16, 2022


  • Cost of gas III QTR 2022 > 30% compared to III QTR 2019 verified on the Intraday Market (MI-GAS) portal

VALUE OF THE CREDIT 40% of the gas cost incurred in the months of OCTOBER and NOVEMBER 2022″

Taken from Green Company Magazine (Volume 8) – see all magazine issues

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