Photovoltaic: Pitea (Aceper), “Very good Simplifications Decree, it speeds up plant procedures”

23 March 2023


Naples, March 17 – “I’m going against the current and siding with the government. Regarding renewables, the government’s intentions seem good to us; when the implementing measures arrive, we will get to work. The simplification decree is very positive: it allows us to quickly install photovoltaic systems by bypassing part of the previous authorization process,” stated Veronica Pitea, President of ACEPER (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers), which brings together 10,000 renewable energy production plants, representing over 7,000 members with a total installed capacity exceeding 2 GWp.

We also believe that suspending the 110% Superbonus was the right decision; the rules and implementing decrees were not well written. When we saw the 110 a year ago, we reviewed the energy account and advised against starting work with the 110. We foresaw the disaster coming because the market saw a great opportunity, prices went unchecked, and inspections were carried out 10 years later,” concluded the ACEPER President.

See here the article from Scisciano Notizie dated 17/03/2023

“Source Scisciano Notizie

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