Magliano Alpi: Italian excellence in the field of renewable energy

28 March 2023


The Municipality of Magliano Alpi is the “Italian excellencein the field of renewable energy according to the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy (ACEPER). President Veronica Pitea, indeed, had no doubts when asked about the most virtuous example in our country.

«As a positive example, there is definitely the Municipality of Magliano Alpi, the first Energy Community in Italy inaugurated following the Milleproroghe Decree of 2020,» declared the president. «It is a small reality, but a true excellence in renewable energy in Italy: this shows that everyone can achieve certain results and the issue of the North-South divide or the size of cities is irrelevant. It all depends on how Communities are managed, which in Italy is often poorly done due to lack of information and maintenance. The State is to blame for the glaring delay in the release of the “CER – Renewable Energy Communities” Decree, which was supposed to start last year but which we are still waiting for.

Therefore, I would not speak of a lack of efficiency on the part of the public administration, but rather a lack of information reaching it and, above all, a lack of implementing decrees from the Government. A total of 63 municipalities are ready to start the CER project, and Aceper also has hundreds of pre-assignments ready. But we need to understand how many of these will turn into solid realities because first, we need to figure out how to work, based on which criteria. The market in general is at a standstill because many companies are waiting for the PNRR calls: how much will be allocated for the world of energy efficiency in general and, secondly, how much specifically for CERs?».

See here the article from Cuneo24 dated 17/03/2023

“Source Cuneo24

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