4 April 2023
energia | fotovoltaico | intervista | supertasse | TGcom24 | veronicapitea
Aceper on TGCOM 24 (Mediaset) – Interview with Veronica Pitea, President of A.C.E.P.E.R
Aceper on TGcom24 (Mediaset) – Interview with Veronica Pitea, President of A.C.E.P.E.R (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy)
Photovoltaic systems heavily taxed. Green energy producers feel cheated twice: during the day, they are self-sufficient and sell their excess electricity, but their revenues from photovoltaic systems exceeding 20 kWh are nearly nullified by excessive taxes. At night, when they are forced to buy electricity, they face extremely high bills.
Veronica Pitea explains that today entrepreneurs buy energy from the grid at very high prices and are required by the government to resell it at a rate that is 10 times lower than the costs they incur to purchase the energy needed for their businesses. The government needs to start demonstrating, through actions, the vital importance of the renewable energy sector.
Source: Mediaset – TGCOM 24 News Report dated 03/09/2022

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