Interview with Veronica Pitea on TGCOM 24

20 March 2023

Aceper on TGCOM 24 (Mediaset) – Interview with Veronica Pitea, President of A.C.E.P.E.R

While waiting to find a solution for the Price Cap, it is always the renewable energy sector, particularly photovoltaics, that suffers.

Veronica Pitea, president of Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy), which represents 10,000 small and medium solar enterprises, explains that the renewable energy sector is treated like a cash machine by the Italian government. Whenever the state needs to balance the budget at the end of the year, it intervenes with measures that penalize alternative energy producers.

An example is Vimet in Chieti, a company that produces plastic materials for packaging and has installed solar panels on its roof. In July, it produced about 90,000 kWh and drew around 86,000 kWh from the grid. For the energy purchased, it had to pay 69,600 euros, while for the energy produced, it received only 4,000 euros.

Today, thousands of businesses are battling the tax on excess profits and rising energy costs. According to Aceper, bureaucracy and taxation risk becoming insurmountable obstacles for companies in the sector and those that wish to invest in, or have already invested in, the world of renewables.

Source: TGCOM 24News bulletin dated 23/11/2022

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