International Recognition for Veronica Pitea

21 October 2022

International Recognition for the President of ACEPER Who Joins the World Business Angels Investment Forum as Italy’s Representative

With her entry into the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) as Italy’s representative, ACEPER achieves another prestigious milestone. Thanks to the recognition received by its president, Veronica Pitea, ACEPER continues its path of international affirmation as a key player in the ongoing economic transition, not only ecological.

The WBAF’s mission is to facilitate access to financing for businesses from inception to growth to exit, aiming ultimately to create more jobs and foster social justice worldwide. The forum commits to global collaboration to enhance global economic development by creating innovative financial instruments for innovators, startups, and SMEs.

Interacting with leaders across all sectors, primarily in business and politics, the WBAF helps assess needs and set goals, emphasizing the importance of public interest. It engages a wide range of institutions—public and private, local and international, commercial and academic—to shape the global agenda, believing that progress can be achieved through the participation of individuals and institutions from diverse sectors and all parts of society.

In a welcome letter to ACEPER President Veronica Pitea on behalf of the WBAF, a G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) affiliated partner, Executive Chairman Baybars Altuntas writes: “It is my great pleasure to recognize you as an influential figure in the global early-stage investment markets and to inform you that the WBAF Board of Directors has unanimously decided to welcome you as an International Partner representing Italy at the World Business Angels Forum’s Grand Assembly on investments.” Altuntas further emphasizes the WBAF’s commitment to honoring those who promote early-stage investments, offering key individuals the title and role of WBAF International Partner.

President Pitea welcomed the news with great satisfaction, stating, “I am delighted and honored to represent Italy in this Forum, whose goals, methods, and especially commitment to facilitating access to financing, promoting financial inclusion, creating more jobs, and social justice I share. I am filled with pride at the prospect of contributing and having the opportunity to collaborate globally for economic development, promoting innovative financial instruments for startups, scaleups, innovators, entrepreneurs, and SMEs. I am particularly interested in promoting gender equality and women’s participation across all sectors of the economic world. I echo the President’s words: ‘I firmly believe that by working together beyond borders, with a common vision and keeping these smart dynamics in mind, we are in a position to bring about positive changes in the global economy.

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