23 February 2023

Maybe this time it’s for real. After many discussions aimed at encouraging companies to invest in the renewable energy sector, especially in the face of increasingly unsustainable energy costs, various regions are now opening different calls for projects. These will provide both financial support and incentives in the form of grants.
Maybe this time it will work out. After many discussions aimed at encouraging companies to invest in the renewable energy sector, especially given the increasingly unsustainable energy costs, various regions are now opening different funding calls. These will provide both financial support and incentives in the form of grants.
A few months ago, the EU announced the possibility of automatic incentives covering up to 45% – 65% of the expenses, depending on whether the company is a Small or Large Enterprise. It is now up to individual countries to adopt these regulations and develop their own rules regarding automatic incentives, funding calls, and financial support.
The EU regulations cover not only photovoltaic systems but also biogas and biomethane, wind power, hydrogen, and more—essentially, almost everything related to energy production from renewable sources.
Until now, only companies involved in energy production and sales (Ateco code 35.11) or agricultural enterprises could access the Sabatini Law and tax credits, as these were rightly considered essential for their activities. Other companies, however, had access only to limited funds, exclusively for smart-grid components.
Now, funding calls are being announced (e.g., in Piedmont, Lombardy, and Umbria) that will also allow manufacturing companies in general (across any sector) to consider obtaining additional support: up to 70% at zero interest (or similar) and 30% in grants. Naturally, resources will not be extensive, so it will be important to have clear ideas and quotes ready as soon as these funding calls become operational. As always, there will be rankings that favor those who apply first and meet the regulatory requirements.
Studio Iniziativa and ACEPER will be by your side to help you access these incentives or find alternative solutions that may also be valid (never stop considering the possibility of accessing available incentives or the misconception about non-cumulability with incentives often provided by the GSE). Indeed, regulations are often cumulative or adaptable to certain companies but not others. Each situation may have different solutions depending on the type of company, the timing for the investment, and the investment’s value.
For the past thirty years, we have been dealing with public incentives for companies, and for eight years, thanks to our collaboration with ACEPER, we have entered the renewable sector, achieving significant results for our clients. As soon as the implementing decrees are issued, you will be informed. However, it is crucial to have clear ideas and quotes on your desk today.
Prepared by – Studio Iniziativa – www.studioiniziativa.it

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