Coesa. Piedmont Leads Among Regions in Solar Electricity Production

17 March 2023


These data are complemented by information from Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energies), which ranks Piedmont first among the regions producing the most electricity from photovoltaics, followed by Lombardy and Veneto.

Piedmont is winning the renewable energy challenge

As stated by Federico Sandrone, CEO of Coesa: “Piedmont has made enormous strides in renewable energy in recent years, and today our region is effectively one of the most interesting markets in Italy, also due to the technological quality of the projects being carried out. The challenge for us is not only to make homes more efficient but especially businesses, which are currently suffering from high energy costs. For a company, renewable energy is a strategic investment because it helps mitigate market fluctuations and recover margins.”

Coesa anticipates a 65% annual growth in revenue over the next two years, driven by renewables. The company has recently won an EU tender and is collaborating with the Spanish company R2M Solution and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology to develop a new generation of photovoltaic panels that combine the best of traditional silicon technology with thermoelectric materials.

See here the article from Il Commercio Edile dated 09/12/2022

“Source Il Commercio Edile

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