Aceper: Government priorities must be new regulations for photovoltaic systems

1 February 2023

Published the ten commandments of the Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers addressed directly to the new executive

In the wake of the agreement reached by the European Council in recent days, which included among the measures for EU member countries the “acceleration of the simplification of authorization procedures in order to speed up the introduction of renewable energies and networks,” ACEPER (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers), the association that represents 10,000 renewable energy production plants, with over 7,000 members and a total installed capacity exceeding 2 GWp, has also drafted a ten-point list of priorities for the new Government in the renewable energy sector:

  • Energy/1: Implement existing regulations and issue new ones to facilitate the installation of photovoltaic systems on residential buildings, businesses, and underutilized agricultural areas.
  • Energy/2: Protect all companies by setting a maximum price to prevent business shutdowns.
  • Energy/3: Define the sales value of energy produced from renewable sources to revive investments in the sector and speed up the transition to renewable energy.
  • Biomethane: Enforce the new decree and simplify the procedure to speed up the transformation of existing plants from electricity production to biomethane or LNG production.
  • Training: Strengthen incentives for companies to train and hire employees in all sectors that need rapid growth (it is estimated that the renewable energy sector alone currently lacks at least 500,000 workers at all levels).
  • Efficiency: Issue all new decrees for the efficiency of structures and plants.
  • Transport: Encourage a transition plan to green fuels to revive a struggling sector and make road traffic less polluting.
  • Energy Communities: Issue decrees to simplify and further incentivize the development of energy communities, allowing those with space but no consumption to invest with those who have consumption but no space, benefiting all parties involved.
  • Plug & Play Photovoltaics: Promote the spread of domestic self-consumption systems to reduce the impact of energy costs for families, even in high-density neighborhoods.

Abandoned Industrial Areas: Promote the recovery of abandoned industrial areas for sustainable projects to restore productivity and dignity to these areas.”As the main representative of the renewable energy sector, I agree with Giorgia Meloni’s electoral program, which states that the first step in the energy field is to increase the number of plants powered by renewable sources. We at ACEPER also have ideas on how this can be done quickly: the sector does not need large incentives, but rather to make good use of those already in place, starting with the PNRR.

Another crucial point in the renewable energy sector is, unfortunately, the lack of technical/specific preparation of personnel in various ministries, which often results in nonsensical regulations that create entropy at all levels. Therefore, it is good if the new Government keeps the electoral promises of the parties that make it up.” This was stated by Veronica Pitea, president of ACEPER.

See here the article from dated 27/10/2022


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