Jan 30, 2023 | Press review
Photovoltaics, Aceper: “Piedmont most productive region” Piedmont is the region that produces the most from photovoltaics in Italy, while Valle d’Aosta is the most “virtuous” This is determined by a study conducted by ACEPER...
Jan 27, 2023 | Press review
Rising Energy Bills: How Much Can You Save with Solar Panels? How much can you save with solar panels? The topic of renewable energy is global in nature, which is why each of us can make a significant contribution to the energy transition from fossil fuels to...
Jan 27, 2023 | Press review
The future belongs to biomethane A path to follow for the environment and an opportunity for farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs The Italian and European scenario towards energy transition cannot disregard a renewable source, not always in the limelight like...
Jan 26, 2023 | Press review
Nuclear power is being discussed, but with the growth of renewables, an immediate 70% reduction in Russian gas is possible The appeal from Legambiente: “Stop dependence on fossil sources”. And Aceper asks the government for incentives, or as a...
Jan 26, 2023 | Press review
Pitea (Aceper) to the Meloni government: “Increase renewable energy installations” As a leading representative of the renewable energy sector, I agree with Giorgia Meloni’s electoral program when she writes that the first thing to do in the...