Feb 16, 2023 | Press review
Photovoltaics, ACEPER Ranking: Valle d’Aosta Most Virtuous Region Valle d’Aosta is the most “virtuous” region, while Piedmont is the top producer of photovoltaic energy in Italy. This is established by a study from ACEPER (Association of...
Feb 15, 2023 | Press review
Photovoltaic Boom in Italy Record numbers for Italian solar energy, unseen since the 2013 Conto Energia: +12,000 installations, totaling 1.6GW Milan – Rome, January 18, 2023 In the first 9 months of 2022, the Italian photovoltaic sector achieved record numbers:...
Feb 15, 2023 | Press review
Photovoltaic: Piedmont leads the ranking for energy production PIEDMONT – Piedmont ranks first among 17 Italian regions for photovoltaic energy production. The data emerged from research conducted by Aceper (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and...
Feb 14, 2023 | Awards, Premi
Veronica Pitea among the winners of the Global Award in Dubai We have received and are publishing a press release: ENTREPRENEUR AWARDS: VERONICA PITEA (PRES. ACEPER) AMONG THE WINNERS AT THE GLOBAL 28COE AWARD IN DUBAI The Global 28COE Award ceremony was held in...
Feb 14, 2023 | Press review
Energy: solar power protest, plants shut down for 3 days Aceper: We’re shutting down 10,000 plants. It’s unsustainable to keep them open (ANSA) – ROME, March 11 – The companies producing energy from renewable sources affiliated with Aceper...