Aceper Research, Photovoltaics: Piedmont Leads the Ranking for Energy Production. Comment from Councillor Marnati

7 April 2023


Aceper Research, Photovoltaics: Piedmont Leads the Ranking for Energy Production, Regional Councillor for Energy, Matteo Marnati: “This demonstrates the great ability of our Region to invest in photovoltaics: we are only at the beginning of a path that will lead us to triple this figure by 2030.”

According to data from a study conducted by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) on a sample of over 5,000 photovoltaic systems located in 17 Italian regions, Piedmont is ranked first in the classification for energy production from photovoltaics and third for “virtuosity,” meaning the ratio between actual energy produced and expected energy in terms of production.

“This result reflects a reality already geared towards the development of renewable sources, which will be further enhanced by the actions that, as the Piedmont Region, we have undertaken to achieve the European 2030 goals,” comments Regional Councillor for Environment and Energy Matteo Marnati. “This began with the approval, on March 15, of our Regional Energy and Environmental Plan, which is structured around four fundamental pillars: the development of renewable energy sources, reduction of energy consumption, development of the green economy, and the definitive establishment of a distributed generation model, which will particularly support the development of energy communities.”

“A model,” adds the Councillor, “that will allow us, in parallel with achieving the goals set by the 2030 Agenda, to also attain energy autonomy as much as possible.”

Energy communities are a key strength of regional policy: Piedmont was the first region to initiate this experience, being the first in Italy to approve a dedicated regional law. Since December 2020, regulations and incentives for developing collective self-consumption systems from renewable sources have been in effect, and energy communities are currently being successfully tested in four areas of the region. “While we await the release of the decree for the establishment of energy communities,” concludes the Councillor, “this data demonstrates the great ability of our Region to invest in photovoltaics: we are only at the beginning of a path that will lead us to triple this figure by 2030.”

See here the Agenparl press release dated 12/11/2022

“Source Agenparl

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