With Coesa, Piedmont is at the forefront of renewable energy

28 February 2023


The company operates as a General Contractor for energy efficiency, offering a range of services from energy audits to procedures for obtaining funding and tax incentives. Coesa’s experts also assist energy managers and administrators in identifying the most suitable projects concerning Superbonus 110%, Ecobonus 50-65%, and Conto Termico 2.0. While industrial photovoltaics is Coesa’s main specialization, energy communities, agrivoltaics, and floating plants are being explored as special projects.

The Italian push for renewables continues unabated, with new installed capacity growing by 168% in the first half of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021 (source: Osservatorio Fer). Photovoltaics leads with a 193% increase, equating to 1,061 MW of power, while wind power remains at 123 MW. In this context, a recent study by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) places Piedmont in the top position among regions producing the most electricity from photovoltaics, followed by Lombardy and Veneto.

“Piedmont has made tremendous progress in renewables in recent years, and today our region is one of the most interesting markets in Italy, also due to the technological quality of the projects being implemented,” emphasizes Federico Sandrone, CEO of Coesa, a Turin-based company that operates as a general contractor for the energy efficiency of businesses, public administration, and households. “Our challenge is not only to make homes more efficient but, more importantly, to improve the efficiency of businesses, which are currently suffering from high energy costs. For a company, renewables are a strategic investment because they help mitigate market fluctuations and recover margins,” adds Sandrone, who is also the Vice President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Turin.

Driven by the growth in renewables, Coesa anticipates a 65% annual increase in revenue over the next two years. Additionally, the company is among the 15 selected entities to participate in the AEWEN (Africa Europe Water Energy Network) program, which connects European companies with institutions and businesses in North Africa to develop renewable energy production.

On the technological front, Coesa recently won a European Union tender and, in collaboration with the Spanish company R2M Solution and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, is developing a new generation of photovoltaic panels that combine the best of traditional silicon technology with thermoelectric materials capable of generating electricity from thermal variations.


See here the article from Infoimpianti dated 30/11/2022

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