Renewable sector and youth employment: The future of green jobs

13 January 2023


In recent times, keeping up with the pace has never been as challenging for companies;

The energy transition has indeed involved businesses as well, which, in order to promote greater environmental sustainability, have been called upon to undergo profound transformations in their organizational structures. Therefore, in the next thirty years, the biggest challenge for companies will be to invest in optimizing and innovating their facilities and promoting new job opportunities, known as green jobs.

In this regard, industrial policies capable of creating new strategies aimed at providing appropriate employment services will be necessary, along with new active labor market measures useful for retraining workers.

From an initial analysis of realities in the energy sector, a significant aspect has emerged that highlights the issue of intergenerational equity. Currently, there is a generational gap in the renewable energy workforce, where young people often face inequalities and discriminations that prevent them from being involved as agents of change.

This situation underscores the fact that the renewable energy sector may be missing out on tapping into a pool of talents who are often excluded from potential job opportunities, disregarding the need to involve them in decision-making processes regarding the energy transition, for the sake of investing in future generations.

Therefore, collective bargaining agreements and job incentives will be crucial to emphasize the importance of a just transition, ensuring dignified, adequately compensated, secure employment where labor rights are respected for all.

Apprenticeships can be a valuable tool for companies seeking to train new personnel in this regard; this type of contract would allow young resources to be included in the renewable energy sector, with the dual benefit that companies could also enjoy economic benefits and tax incentives.

It is clear, moreover, that the potential of renewable energies to achieve significant climate goals on one hand, and to create youth employment on the other, are two aspects that must proceed hand in hand. Therefore, the only viable path at the moment would be to increase investments in a just and inclusive transition, reaping all the socioeconomic benefits. Optimizing gains and creating new opportunities for young people to acquire the necessary skills and competencies are essential aspects for future green jobs that will be increasingly in demand in the years ahead, given the ongoing sustainable revolution.

Edited by Bianca NegrutStudio Pizziconi –

Taken from Green Company Magazine (Volume 8) – see all magazine issues

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